Fall of the Republic

Posted On October - 25 - 2009

Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency.This film reveals the architecture of the New World Order and what the power elite have in store for humanity. More importantly it communicates how We The People can retake control of our government, turn the criminal tide and bring the tyrants to justice.

Century of Self

Posted On August - 25 - 2009

To many in both politics and business, the triumph of the self is the ultimate expression of democracy, where power has finally moved to the people. Certainly the people may feel they are in charge, but are they really? The Century of the Self tells the untold and sometimes controversial story of the growth of the mass-consumer society in Britain and the United States. How was the all-consuming self created, by whom, and in whose interests?

The Obama Deception

Posted On September - 08 - 2009

The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global

Our System of Illusion 2

Posted On August - 26 - 2009

John Harris presents his Freeman perspective and understanding on the subject of politics, Common Law, Statute Law, Contracting and more. Filmed at the Lawful Rebellion Conference, the British Constitution Group, :London, 13th Jun 2009, Its an illusion 2 insights have to be taken into consideration as the more social aware we become we look into not only why things wrong with our constitution but the socialistic denial of free behaviour in our human rights.

Money as Debt II – Promises Unleashed

Posted On September - 26 - 2009

Bailouts, stimulus packages, debt piled upon debt, where will it all end? How did we get into a situation where there has never been more material wealth and productivity and yet everyone is in debt to bankers? And now, all of a sudden, the bankers have no money and we the taxpayers, have to rescue them by going even further into debt! Money as Debt II Explores the baffling, fraudulent and destructive arithmetic of the money system that holds us hostage to a forever growing DEBT

An interview with Aaron Russo(1943-2007)

Posted On September - 01 - 2009

Hollywood director Russo goes in-depth for first time on the astounding admissions of Nick Rockefeller, including his prediction of 9/11 and the war on terror hoax, the Rockefeller's creation of women's lib, and the elite's ultimate plan for world population reduction and a microchipped society Aaron Russo joins Alex Jones for a fascinating sit-down in depth video interview on a plethora of important subjects.

Frank Capras Why We Fight

Posted On September - 05 - 2009

Don't miss Why We Fight a series of seven propaganda films commissioned by the United States government during World War II to demonstrate to American soldiers the reason for U.S. involvement in the war. Later on they were also shown to the general U.S. public to persuade them to support American intervention. This is great historical footage.

Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve

Posted On September - 04 - 2009

Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson understood "The Monster". But to most Americans today, Federal Reserve is just a name on the dollar bill. They have no idea of what the central bank does to the economy, or to their own economic lives; of how and why it was founded and operates; or of the sound money and banking. This extraordinary new film is the clearest, most compelling explanation ever offered of the Fed. Watch it, and you'll understand why. This is economics and history as they are meant to be: fascinating, informative, and motivating.

Bill Hicks - Revelations tour 1993

Posted On August - 25 - 2009

Bill Hicks: The world is like a ride at an amusement park. It goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: Is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride...Funny political satire WARNING ADULT HUMOR

Quoted from http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Business/France-Telecom-Communications-Giant-Hit-By-24th-Suicide-In-18-Months/Article/200909415394713:

France Telecom: Communications Giant Hit By 24th Suicide In 18 Months | Business | Sky News

Worker Is 24th To Die In Firm's 'Suicide Spiral'


A 24th France Telecom employee has killed himself in what the company says is a "suicide spiral".

The 51-year-old father-of-two hurled himself to his death from a bridge onto a busy road in the Haute-Savoie region of the country.

In a letter to his wife, he blamed the unbearable "atmosphere" at his workplace.

France Telecom has been dogged by an series of suicides in the last 18 months.

The deaths include a woman who jumped from her office window in the summer, while another man survived stabbing himself in the stomach during a work meeting.

Unions say a drive to restructure the company in the face of the global recession is behind the deaths.

The company laid off 22,000 workers between 2006 and 2008 while staff say changing working practices and poor management have placed intolerable pressure on workers.

Labour minister Xavier Darcos this month ordered an official to monitor France Telecom's health and safety meetings.

The company has also been told to delay any relocation plans until October 31.

France Telecom employs around 100,000 people in France and insists the number of suicides is in line with the national average.

It said some of the deaths were down to copycat behaviour.

But one union official said workers had been treated like "sausage meat".

Quoted from http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Australian-Town-Bans-Sale-Of-Bottled-Water/Article/200909415393386:

Australian Town Bans Sale Of Bottled Water For Environmental Reasons | World News | Sky News

Green Oz Town Gives Bottled Water The Boot

9:43am UK, Monday September 28, 2009

Ian Woods, Sky News correspondent, in Australia

A small town in Australia has become the first in the world to ban the sale of bottled water.

Residents said the cost of making, transporting and disposing of the plastic bottles is damaging the environment.

People in Bundanoon in New South Wales voted in favour of the ban three months ago and since then, chilled filtered water dispensers have been installed throughout the town.

Over the weekend, all bottles of still water were removed from shops and replaced with reusable containers which cost around £2 each. Customers can then refill them, either in the store, or at a drinking fountain in the street.

Some residents welcomed the action simply on cost grounds.

One man told me it was how it used to be - when everyone drank water for free.

Another complained that bottled water was more expensive than beer.

Tapping into public opinion

But the main reason for implementing the ban was environmental.

The people of Bundanoon, 90 miles from Sydney, decided that the impact of manufacturing the bottles, transporting the water round the country and then disposing of the empties could not be justified.

Matters came to a head when a bottling company decided to extract water from the Bundanoon area.

Faced with the prospect of their water being driven to Sydney, put into bottles, and then driven back to the town, residents decided to act.

The campaign was led by Huw Kingston, who emigrated to Australia from Wales, and says 70% of bottles end up in landfill sites rather than being recycled.

He says the people who backed his idea are "not a bunch of greenies", and he denies that the action has deprived people of a choice.

"If there is the odd person who really, genuinely, loves the taste of bottled water - and I can't think why they would - then maybe we have taken away that choice," he said.

"But what we've provided here is more publicly available water than every before.

"I'm not sure how anyone can prefer bottled water to our beautiful filtered water."

There is still some comfort for those who prefer designer water to what comes out of the tap.

Shops are still selling bottles of sparkling and flavoured waters.

Some shopkeepers were initially sceptical about the plan, fearing they would lose money.

To compensate for the lost business, they're selling refillable plastic bottles with the slogan "Bundy On Tap", and because the ban has put Bundanoon on the map, they're proving popular with visitors as well as locals.

Shop owner Lorraine McKintosh said the shops had never promised they would not sell bottled water ever again, but she thought it was best to go along with what their customers had decided.

The idea has gone down well at Bundanoon School.

Principal Robyn Versluis said: "It's the perfect example of thinking globally but acting locally".

Pupil Ella Grier declared: "It's a really big step for a small town. We're really brave to do it."

The shape of things to come....

Humanity take a back seat as the age of unreason and ignorance now walks amongst us. Law enforcement of peaceful protests are now being met by force, intimidation and ignorance of our human rights.

We are being treated like children, speak only when your told to and with no voice man/woman can not express his/her concerns in this video Luke Rudkowski from Wearechange.org reminds the Pittsburgh police on their duty to the constitution and their sworn oath to protect the very peoples rights they now remove.

With the US Police using the military approved LRAD sound cannons and tear gas on peaceful protesters is going to far, not to mention the Troy like maneuver?

now whats that all about...

Hopefully you judge in the right way!

Quoted from http://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKTRE58K4E720090921:

U.S. to push for new economic world order at G20 | Reuters


The United States wants world leaders to agree this week to launch a major rethink of the world economy in November as they try to strengthen the global economy after its near meltdown.

Documents outlining the U.S. position ahead of the September 24-25 Pittsburgh summit of Group of 20 leaders said exporters, which include China, Germany and Japan, should consume more, while debtors like the United States must boost savings.

"The world will face anaemic growth if adjustments in one part of the global economy are not matched by offsetting adjustments in other parts of the global economy," said the document obtained by Reuters.


Obama, cutting through the coded diplomatic courtesies, made the case more bluntly for a change in business as usual.

"We can't go back to the era where the Chinese or Germans or other countries just are selling everything to us, we're taking out a bunch of credit card debt or home equity loans, but we're not selling anything to them," he said on Sunday.

The framework proposed by U.S. policy-makers foresaw "candid, even-handed and balanced analysis" of G20 members' economic policies by the International Monetary Fund to figure out if they were consistent with balanced growth.

"We call on our finance ministers to launch the new framework by November," the document said, signalling a determined effort to maintain the momentum for change created by last year's global

financial crisis.

Finance ministers and central bankers from the G20 countries are due to meet November 7-8 in Scotland.  Continued... on Reuters


View article on single page : Reuters
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Quoted from http://www.theflucase.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=647%3Alen-horowitz-files-pandemic-charges-against-rockefeller&catid=1%3Alatest-news&Itemid=64⟨=en:

Len Horowitz files pandemic charges against Rockefeller

LOS ANGELES, CA -- Drug-industry investigators have uncovered documents exposing an international drug ring, operating from New York City, is behind the H1N1 swine flu fright and vaccination preparations.


Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane, an investigative journalist, have released evidence in legal affidavits that leaders of a private global biotechnology "trust" are behind the pandemic flu, including its origin and alleged prevention via vaccinations. Their documents, being sent by attorneys to the FBI this week, evidence industrialists are operating a crime ring within the "Partnership for New York City" (PNYC), and are behind the pandemic's creation, media persuasions, vaccination preparations, and health official promotions.

"David Rockefeller's trust, that engages several powerful partners on Wall Street, including media moguls Ruppert Murdock, Morton Zuckerman, Thomas Glocer, and former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Jerry Speyer, are implicated in advancing global genocide," Dr. Horowitz wrote to FBI directors.

"This 'partnership' controls biotechnology research and development globally. Health commerce internationally is also controlled virtually entirely by this trust that also exercises near complete control over mainstream media to promote/propagandize its products and services for the drug cartel's organized crime. This trust, in essence, makes or breaks medical and natural healing markets, primarily through the mass media companies and propaganda it wields for social engineering and market building," Dr. Horowitz wrote.

Among the revelations from the Horowitz-Kane research are those linking Larry Silverstein of Silverstein Properties, Inc., and the 9-11 terrorist attacks, to the drug cartel's geopolitical, economic, and population reduction activities. Mr. Silverstein, leaser of the World Trade Center who authorized to have Building-7 "pulled" [detonated] is a chief suspect in the "9-11 truth" investigation. Silverstein is currently landlord and co-partner in the biotechnology trust founded by David Rockefeller and implicated by these new discoveries.

Given the unprecedented nature and urgency of these findings, Dr. Horowitz has posted his affidavit for public review on FLUscam.com, hoping wide spread dissemination will prompt governments worldwide to cease mass vaccination preparations to avoid becoming accessories.

"The last time I contacted the FBI I warned them about the impending anthrax attacks one week before the first mailings were announced in the press," Dr. Horowitz recalled. "It took them 6 months to respond. When they did, they made me a suspect in the mailings. This time I am warning the Justice Department a month before the deadliest genocide in history. I'm praying they'll take kindly to my appeal for a PNYC investigation, and Court-ordered injunction, to stop the vaccinations for public protection

George Orwell's novel of a totalitarian future society in which a man whose daily work is rewriting history tries to rebel by falling in love.

Nineteen Eighty-Four was a British television adaptation of the novel of the same name by George Orwell, originally broadcast on the BBC Television series "Sunday Night Theatre" in the winter of 1954. The production proved to be hugely controversial, with questions asked in Parliament and many viewer complaints over its supposed subversive nature and horrific content.
Change? NO WE CAN'T

Business as usual Mr President....

Eight years after the Patriot Act became law in the United States, President Obama has told lawmakers that he wants to reauthorize three parts of the act that were set to expire later this year. Many people have said that the Patriot Act is an invasion of privacy and opens the door for abuses of power, so why would Obama extend one of former President Bush's policies?
RT. 14th September

Gerald Celente - the most trusted name in trends - sits down for an exclusive interview with RT's Anastasia Churkina to talk about what the future holds for America during and after the Great Recession, gives advice to Obama, and forecasts the unexpected.

Quoted from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financetopics/recession/6201505/Brixton-to-launch-its-own-currency.html:

Brixton will become the first urban area in Britain to launch its own currency in an effort to help local shopkeepers during the recession.


The area of South London town is today unveiling the Brixton Pound, which will come in B£1, B£5, B£10 and B£20 denominations.

The currency can be used to pay for goods in the area, but cannot be used outside Brixton or be paid into a bank.

"The goal is to create a liquid economy throughout Brixton," said Tim Nichols, the project manager of the Brixton Pound. "We have about 55 businesses on board, who can either give it out as change or pay it as part of their employees wages.

"The idea is for people to pay local suppliers for goods and services - this includes people like plumbers. At any point they can take it back to an issuing point and replace it for sterling."

Brixton will become the fourth town to have its own currency after the Totnes Pound in Devon, the Lewes Pound in Sussex and the Stroud Pound in Gloucestershire.

John Kazantzis, a councillor at Lambeth Council, said: "Brixton has a vibrant and diverse business community and I'm delighted that we are the first area in London to benefit from this scheme."


Brixton to launch its own currency - Telegraph

Quoted from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financetopics/recession/6196531/UK-unemployment-jumps-to-highest-since-1995-as-recession-pain-bites.html:


The number of Britons joining the dole queue climbed by 210,000 to 2.47 million in the three months to the end of July, figures from the Office for National Statistics showed today. That's the highest level since 1995.

Mervyn King, the Governor of the Bank of England, said on Tuesday that while there are signs the economy is beginning to grow again, it's not likely to feel any different for most people. It was a view echoed today by the fashion retailer Next, which said that it sees little reason for "the consumer outlook to significantly change through the rest of the year."

The recession has forced companies across the economy to axe staff and ditch investment plans. The retail, construction and financial services industries have been among those hardest hit. However, the cuts have spread to even the more resilient industries such as defence, with BAE, which helps build the Eurofighter, announcing plans yesterday to close a factory in Cheshire.

"Unemployment still looks likely to go reach 3 million in 2010, and could go higher," said Howard Archer, an economist at Global Insight. "Even if the economy does return to growth in the third quarter, activity is still unlikely to be strong enough for some considerable time to come to prevent further net job losses."

Despite evidence that the economy has technically emerged from recession, most experts expect a recovery to be sluggish as Britons grapple with their debts and trim spending in the face of rising unemployment.

It's a picture mirrored in the US, where Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, cautioned that a recovery will be long and hard.

Separate figures showed that the number of people claiming unemployment benefit rose by 24,400 in August, similar to what economists had forecast. Sterling was little changed against the dollar at $1.6477 after the figures were released while the FTSE 100 stayed 1pc stronger at 5096.28.


UK unemployment jumps to highest since 1995 as recession pain bites | Telegraph

RT. 15 September, 2009

The past year of economic decline has seen Washington’s influence on the wane, as well as London’s, and the way is now open for other countries to decide policy. Among them: Russia and her BRIC colleagues.

It has been a year since pictures of the collapse of US investment bank Lehman Brothers were beamed around the world – unprecedented images of bankers, the so-called Masters of the Universe, leaving Wall Street offices with their possessions in cardboard boxes.

To many of us, the financial crisis has meant job losses and home repossessions, but to economists, it is changed the fabric of our society, and accelerated a long-awaited move towards a multi-polar world.

A global society that no longer marches to the beat of America’s drum isn’t here just yet – but the direction is clear. The world, more and more, is turning towards new leaders and new currencies for solutions.

Doctor Paola Subacchi, research director of International Economics, Chatham House, thinks the economic crisis can be viewed as a catalyst for change

“Countries which were growing fast, their economies were expanding, they were gaining more visibility in international relations terms – I’m thinking of the BRIC,” she says.

The platform for that movement was last April’s G20 summit in London. Created in the late nineties, the G20 was a response to the financial crises of that era. Its goal was to include key emerging market countries in global economic decision making, and they have met three times already.

“The upgrade of the G20 from a finance ministers’ meeting to a head of state meeting is very important. And it’s very important now to see around the table many more countries representing a large majority, almost the totality of global GDP,” Subacchi adds.

With their new, louder voice, the BRIC countries – Brazil, Russia, India and China – are calling for a move away from the dollar as the major global reserve currency. Throughout the last decade, an average of two thirds of the world’s foreign exchange reserves has been held in dollars.

“Countries like Russia and China and Brazil are trying to divorce themselves from the US, because it’s a completely toxic currency that’s just right for fraud. It supports an empire that’s just too lazy to compete,” financial analyst Max Keiser says.

Having a variety of reserve currencies wouldn’t just have economic significance. Geopolitically, if countries held reserves in roubles or yuan, Russia and China would gain weight in the international arena, and be more able to direct policy.

Chris Higson, a Professor at London Business School, believes the world would be a better place “if we simply don’t rely on one possibly unreliable superpower exercising its authority.”

Earlier this month, the UN backed the creation of an artificial currency for foreign exchange reserves. It is the first time a major multinational institution has come up with such a suggestion.
14 Sep 2009

Around £1.5 trillion of taxpayers' money has been squandered on an acceleration in Government spending fuelled by the economic boom, while another £1.5 trillion has evaporated in measures to tackle the recession, according to the research.

The authors claim that Government spending has more than doubled in real terms since 1997, to the extent that even if the next government tries to trim spending by 5-10 per cent, it will take years, probably even decades, to bring it back under control, and could cost upwards of a further £1 trillion.

Mr Brown has taken public spending to the level reached by Harold Wilson and James Callaghan in 1976 - when the country went bankrupt and needed the IMF to bail it out, they say.

One of the authors, Matthew Elliott, founder and chief executive of campaigning group the TaxPayers' Alliance, said: ''It would be easy to dismiss the figure of £3 trillion as being too big to contemplate or unreasonably high, but to do so would be to ignore the sheer scale of the financial disaster that 12 years of Gordon Brown's tax-a-lot and spend-more policies have done to the British economy.

''In the light of our analysis, £3 trillion is actually a best possible scenario and relies upon the UK making a far quicker recovery than most expect.''

Mr Elliott and management consultant David Craig say that by the end of the 2009-10 financial year, the present Government will have spent almost £1.7 trillion more in cash terms (about £1.35 trillion when adjusted for inflation) than would have been spent had Mr Brown and his colleagues kept public spending at the levels inherited from the Conservatives.

''Adding in more than £150 billion in Private Finance Initiative (PFI) projects and other schemes which the Government has kept off its balance sheet through various creative accounting techniques, you're almost up to £2 trillion in cash terms or £1.5 trillion after taking inflation into account,'' they say.

The value of UK shares has fallen by around £474 billion since 1997, which will seriously affect anyone with savings in stocks, unit trusts or a pension fund, they say.

Meanwhile, the estimated future costs of public sector pensions have risen from around £360 billion in 1997 to more than £880 billion today, while ''cautious estimates'' suggest that of the total £1.227 trillion made available to the banks, taxpayers will lose at least £200 billion, they add.

Extra borrowing of £561 billion takes the total involved over £3 trillion, they say.

Are we winning the wars officials say we must? Wars against cancer, AIDS and terrorism?

Hollywood films and health officials herald happy endings, but family and friends everywhere are ill and getting sicker, fatter, more depressed, and broke popping pills and paying medical bills.

Now officials urge you to prepare for the worst bioterrorist attacks in history (aside from nuclear explosions, and escalating "natural" disasters).

This controversial documentary produced by "World Leading Intellectual" and drug cartel critic, Sir Leonard George Horowitz, exposes officials, corporations, and American intelligence agencies for historic devil-doing.
The SAS has been ordered by the Government to train Libyan special forces despite the country having armed the IRA, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.

10:35PM BST 11 Sep 2009

For the past six months Britain’s elite troops have been schooling soldiers working for Col Muammar Gaddafi’s regime, which for years provided Republican terrorists with the Semtex explosive, machine-guns and anti-aircraft missiles used against British troops during the Troubles in Northern Ireland.

Sources within the SAS have expressed distaste at the agreement, which they believe could be connected to the release of the Lockerbie bomber.

Britain’s relationship with Libya has been under the spotlight since Abdelbaset al Megrahi was freed from a Scottish jail on compassionate grounds last month after being diagnosed as suffering from terminal prostate cancer and given three months to live.

Gordon Brown has faced claims that his Government helped engineer Megrahi’s release to promote Britain’s commercial interests, particularly energy, in Libya.

Downing Street has denied the allegations, but Jack Straw, the Justice Minister, has admitted that trade was a factor in deciding to include Megrahi in an earlier prisoner transfer agreement with Libya. Megrahi was the only person convicted for the murder of 270 people killed in the bombing in 1988 of Pan Am flight 103.

The disclosure that members of the SAS are training their Libyan counterparts will further raise suspicions about exactly what has been agreed behind the scenes between Tripoli and Britain.

It will also infuriate families of the Lockerbie victims and further sour relations with America. Earlier this week, President Barack Obama told the Prime Minister of his “disappointment” over Megrahi’s release.

Defence sources said the training arrangement must have been given high-level political approval.

Members of Britain’s elite regiment are angry at having to help train soldiers from a country that for years armed terrorists they fought against.

An SAS source said: “A small SAS training team have been doing it for the last six months as part of this cosy deal with the Libyans.

“From our perspective we cannot see it as part of anything else other than the Megrahi deal.” Another SAS soldier said: “The IRA was our greatest adversary now we are training their backers. There was a weary rolling of the eyes when we were told about this.”

The Ministry of Defence refuses to comment on special forces activities, but sources have admitted that SAS reserves have bolstered the team that has been training “Libyan infantry in basic skills”.

A senior defence source admitted: “This is a huge political embarrassment.’’

The first moves towards setting up the training agreement are believed to have begun after Tony Blair visited

Libya as Prime Minister in 2004. However, the deal was only finalised and “signed off” by Mr Brown earlier this year.

Robin Horsfall, a former SAS soldier who took part in the Iranian Embassy siege in 1980 and fought the IRA in Northern Ireland, said:

“There is a long list of British soldiers who have died because of Gaddafi funding terrorists.

“The SAS is being ordered to do something it knows is morally wrong.’’

The team – a troop of between four and 14 men – is training the Libyans in counter-terrorism techniques, including covert surveillance.

However, the “full spectrum of techniques” learned from fighting Islamic terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan is not expected to be passed on.

Once an international pariah, Col Gaddafi agreed in 2003 to give up Libya’s weapons of mass destruction and has since enjoyed steadily improving relations with the West.
Russia Today
11 September, 2009, 09:05

Hit by the recession, the once-prosperous UK town of Swindon has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. Many fear it will lead to a whole generation of people who've lost their will to work.

During the last decade, the town of Swindon has been one of the UK's booming economies, creating a wide range of job opportunities. But now the things have changed.

Walk down the high street in almost any British provincial town nowadays, and you’ll see boarded up shops. But probably not as many as you’ll see in Swindon in the South West of England. Home to around 155,000 people, it’s one of the UK’s worst recession-hit towns, with a rise in unemployment of 147% in the year to July.
Swindon is home to 600 NEETs – young people "Not in Employment, Education or Training". The recession threatens to produce a generation of young people here who have been trying and failing to get jobs, and have lost the will to work. That’s something local MP Anne Snelgrove is all too aware of.

“We can’t have them sitting around doing nothing for two or three years during this recession, and as it picks up, because they are then very much unemployable for the next 10 years of their lives. We’ll lose a whole generation in Swindon if we’re not careful,” she said.

Swindon is a microcosm of the industries that have been hit by the crisis – it hosts a mixture of high-tech firms like finance, IT and banking, and manufacturing.
The local Honda factory has recently reopened after a four-month closure, during which it managed to retain its entire staff on at least some pay. But that closure had a massive knock-on effect, according to Mike Little, director of recruitment agency Storm.

“There are 50, 60 small businesses, and quite large businesses that supply to Honda,” he said. “So when they shut down, and with the banks the way they are, they weren’t prepared to back them for the six months, so a lot of them have gone to the wall.”

Storm Recruitment is on Commercial Road, previously a premium location full of estate agents, banks and employment firms. Now, many of the units lie empty.
This year of recession has turned Swindon from a thriving multi-sector hub into a depressed town, and that’s particularly apparent in its many industrial estates. Like a lot of places in the UK, Swindon has seen signs of recovery, but it’s a fragile improvement, and brings with it no guarantee of a return to former prosperity.


The unanswerable question remains of the banker bailouts only to be derived once again with an endless pit bonuses and high risk booms which are just around the corner. The "back to business as usual" attitude is deplorable.

Our Governments are a sham with worthless ethics and over stated positions in our monetary policy, who link hands with the very same people who took us down the garden path, that very same path is now laden with weeds.

And the question is? was it really worth the bailout money!!
I think most people know deep down the answer is "NO" as the cost to Joe public is higher taxes and a public service drastically cut and in basic terms - "less bang for YA buck"
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Actor Charlie Sheen has followed up on his “20 Minutes With The President” letter by directly addressing President Obama in a You Tube clip to request he use his executive power to reopen the investigation into 9/11 and its aftermath.

On Tuesday, Sheen published a fictional account of a meeting with the President on radio talk show host Alex Jones’ Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com websites in which Obama was confronted about what Sheen alleges is a cover-up surrounding 9/11. In his letter, Sheen requests a real meeting with Barack Obama.

Now Sheen has taken his challenge a step further by appearing in a You Tube video that asks Obama to “be on the right side of history” by reopening an investigation into 9/11, while highlighting that the majority of the 9/11 Commission members have publicly dismissed the official government version of the attacks as a deception, with former Senator and Commission member Max Cleland labeling the government response to the Commission’s questions as “disgusting” and “a scam”.

Sheen highlights several issues in the video, including the unexplained collapse of WTC 7, a 47-story building that was not hit by a plane yet collapsed in free fall fashion into its own footprint within 7 seconds later in the afternoon on September 11. He also cites multiple reports from firefighters, police, first responders and others who were at ground zero and who all described explosions before the collapse of the twin towers and Building 7.

He also discusses how former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds broke her gag order to go public with the revelation that Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were working with the U.S. government right up until the day of 9/11.

Sheen also demands to know why NORAD’s standard operating procedure was not followed on 9/11, allowing the hijacked jetliners to find their targets, asking, “Where were the planes?”

Sheen expresses his hope that President Obama has read his letter, adding, “We have questions Mr. President, lots of questions….people of the United States and the world demand the truth sir,” adding that Obama has the power and the responsibility to initiate “a truly independent Congressional investigation into the events of 9/11 as well as its aftermath.”

“We want our country back Mr. President, therefore I’m not just calling on you I’m calling on your team, I’m calling on each and every American citizen to wake up, stand up, and demand the truth,” states Sheen in the video.
In an informative and interesting interview with Red Ice Creations, Mary Croft analyzes the way we are being driven by unlawful legalities that put man and woman under the control of "corporations" or as we know as governments.

"We must listen only to what our intuition intends for us": Mary Croft
You can visit her web blog @ http://spiritualeconomicsnow.net

Listen to this six part extraordinary audio interview.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6


Mary wrote the free Ebook "HOW I CLOBBERED EVERY BUREAUCRATIC CASH CONFISCATORY AGENCY KNOWN TO MAN" you can download a free copy of this e-book @

Wed Sep 9, 2009 7:31pm

Rep. Barney Frank Agrees to Hold Hearing on Federal Reserve Transparency
September 25
ALEXANDRIA, Va.--(Business Wire)--
Congressman Ron Paul informed Campaign for Liberty today that House Financial
Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank will hold hearings on H.R. 1207,
Congressman Paul`s bill to audit the Federal Reserve. The hearings are
tentatively set to take place Friday, September 25th at 9:00 am.

"The Federal Reserve wields tremendous power and is at the center of our current
economic storm of deficits, debt and bailouts.Congressman Barney Frank should be
commended for his willingness to hold hearings on Fed transparency," said
Campaign for Liberty President John Tate.

"A full and thorough Audit of the Federal Reserve is now supported by over 75
percent of the American people, and nearly the same percent of U.S. Congressmen,
and these hearing are a major step toward that critical goal. Campaign for
Liberty will continue to push for a clean vote and ultimate passage of H.R.
1207," continued Tate.

"However it is important that Audit the Fed not be attached to any other bill
that seeks to "reform" the Fed by increasing its power; that would be a betrayal
to the intent and spirit of H.R. 1207, and would be vigorously opposed by
Campaign for Liberty," Tate cautioned.

H.R 1207`s 282 cosponsors includes every House Republican, as well as 104
Democrats and encompasses Representatives from a wide variety of ideological
backgrounds, including conservatives, liberals, libertarians, moderates, and
Blue Dogs.

Campaign for Liberty has made H.R. 1207 its number one legislative priority this
session. Working though its 200,000 strong national grassroots activist network,
Campaign for Liberty has generated countless phone calls, petitions and letters
to leaders on Capitol Hill.

H.R. 1207 would open up the Fed`s funding facilities, such as the Primary Dealer
Credit Facility, Term Securities Lending Facility, and Term Asset-Backed
Securities Lending Facility to Congressional oversight and an audit by the
non-partisan Government Accountability Office. Additionally, audits could
include discount window operations, open market operations, and agreements with
foreign central banks, such as ongoing dollar swap operations with European
central banks.

Campaign for Liberty
Jesse Benton, 703-347-6886

Copyright Business Wire 2009
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Russia Today
09 September 2009

In an interview with Russia Today Max Keiser talks about the US national debt and the extraordinary privilege of the dollar as the worlds reserve currency could be coming to an end with Russia and China in preparation to divorce themselves form the US debt-a-holic.

Max then suggest the federal reserves hokes of selling bonds to foreign countries only to buy them back with the non backed toxic paper money fresh of the counterfeit press will have catastrophic consequences for the United States as the world currency will be evaluated and backed once again with gold.

He also points out the US GDP growth is a flawed economic boost that its backed with military intervention and cheep consumerism thats consuming only with foreign slave based products. Also with the unemployment numbers growing and wage structure shrinking Max predicts that the American people will go into civil unrest.

All very intersting.
Madoff's Florida Home
September 9, 2009 3:11 AM

A Deputy U.S. Marshall offers a tour inside and out of Bernie Madoff's former coastal mansion in Palm Beach, Fla. prior to auction.

Watch CBS Videos Online

BULL "everywhere". Statues of bulls, paintings of bulls, bull figurines.

The Wall Street fraudster Bernard Madoff viewed the bull as his personal motif - his homes in New York and Palm Beach are full of Bully and even his 55-foot yacht is charmly named 'Bull'.

US Marshals Service has provided us a glimpse into the luxurious lifestyle led by Madoff and his wife, Ruth, on the proceeds of a corrupt pyramid scheme snaring unsuspecting investors over two decades.

US authorities are seeking buyers for Madoff's penthouse apartment in Manhattan, his beachside mansion in Palm Beach and a summer house in the Hamptons, as part of an effort to generate compensation for victims who lost their savings in Wall Street's biggest ever fraud.

In Madoff's 4,000 sq ft New York flat, the fraudster's personal office contains a cherrywood desk with a plain green lamp. A wooden bull sits on a table nearby, and the couple's living quarters boast a baby Steinway grand piano, Persian rugs, a breakfast nook looking out over Manhattan skyline and a wrap-around terrace with 360-degree views.

In Florida, the couple's beachside villa, with an estimated value of $7.5m (£4.5m), offers five bedrooms, seven bathrooms and an L-shaped private dock. The living room contains four paintings of bulls and it seems that Madoff had a particular penchant for footwear - the authorities found more than 40 pairs of custom-made shoes in the closet



It's all quite comical that Madoff actually go found wanting in a "BEAR" market, Well maybe not so funny for the private investors that got the bull horn to prop up his ponzi scheme lifestyle..

In the light of Charlie Sheen's Obama meeting request transcript, I've decided to blog the documentary Ludicrous Diversion:

On the 7th of July 2005 London was hit by a series of explosions that were mysteriously covered by a anti terrorist operation on the exact day, place and time.

This documentary will look into The police who withheld from the public almost every bit of evidence they claim to have and have probably lied about several aspects of the London Bombings.

The mainstream news has wilfully spread false, unsubstantiated and unverifiable information, while choosing to completely ignore the numerous inconsistencies and discrepancies in the official story.

The British government that finally, after a year, presented their official ‘narrative’ concerning the event. Within hours it was shown to contain numerous errors, a fact since admitted by the Home Secretary John Reid. They have continuously rejected calls for a full, independent public inquiry. Tony Blair himself described such an inquiry as a ‘ludicrous diversion’. What don’t they want us to find out?
Tuesday, Sept 8, 2009

Charlie Sheen’s exclusive article today published at Prisonplanet.com and Infowars.com provides a lengthy and detailed bibliography of facts relating to the 9/11 cover up.

Back in 2006 when Sheen first went public with his views on 9/11 as an inside job an the Alex Jones show, he was subject to months of abuse and personal attacks completely unrelated to the issue he was attempting to push into the mainstream.

Sheen asked the media to “challenge me on the facts”, however that challenge was lost in a sea of disinformation disseminated by the corporate media.

This time Sheen has meticulously planned his approach, so as to focus the attention on the undeniable facts he presents in his open letter to the president.

Sheen told Alex Jones in a twenty minute interview last week, now available exclusively on Prisonplanet.tv, that his intention was to create “a public document specifically rooted in fact.”

“The truth is unchanging.” Sheen added. “Everything in this letter will withstand the critical assault I am more than prepared to endure.”

Since Sheen appeared on the Alex Jones show and subsequently at the national American Scholars Symposium on 9/11 in the Summer of 2006, there is no doubt that the issue of the 9/11 cover up has shifted into mainstream consciousness.

Since that time we have seen a barrage of hit pieces from major media corporations such as The History Channel, the BBC, Popular Mechanics and the National Geographic Channel.

Each attack has fallen flat on its face, however, and has actually had the opposite effect that was intended, in waking more people up to the fraud that is the official version of events surrounding the attacks.

Now Sheen is back, in response to the call for him to stand up again and continue where he left off in 2006. With so many more people now awake to the whitewash that was the official 9/11 investigation, and with everything that has ensued in the fallout of the 21st century’s defining event, Sheen can help us generate a second massive wave of public awakening.

For newer readers, uninformed media representatives, and as a way of providing more context to Charlie Sheen’s latest efforts to push for a new investigation into 9/11, here are links to articles and stories arising from Sheen’s original groundbreaking effort to shatter the mainstream media silence on the official conspiracy theory.

Article and extended story links: http://www.infowars.com/challenge-me-on-the-facts-%E2%80%93-how-charlie-sheen-energized-the-911-truth-movement/
While tariffs have reduced, Mandelson stresses a need for dialogue, citing 'more invisible barriers' and Europe's costs exceeding the previously estimated €20bn

9:07PM BST 08 Sep 2009

The Pension Protection Fund (PPF), which oversees the assets of nearly 7,400 defined-benefit occupational schemes and administers payments to members of schemes where employers have gone bust, said ballooning liabilities were driving up deficits despite the recent stock market rally which has improved asset values.

Deficits – liabilities minus assets – worsened during August by £16bn to £195bn, while the value of the FTSE All-Share Index rose by 7.1pc. This time last year, deficits stood at just £93bn. The PPF said 6,304 schemes are now in deficit – representing 85pc of the total.

Surpluses in those schemes which still have them have also plummeted, from £53bn this time last year to £21.4bn now. Although rising share prices caused the value of assets in pension funds to increase by 3.3pc, lower gilt yields forced pension scheme liabilities to rise by 5.2pc.

A spokesman for the PPF said: “Over the past year, falling equity markets and bond yields have led to an overall worsening of the funding position. Lower bond yields resulted in a 9.6pc increase in aggregate liabilities, while weaker equity prices reduced assets by 3.1pc over the year.”

Pensions consultant John Ralfe warned that pension liabilities will continue to grow, in spite of recovery in the stock market. The Government’s appetite for quantitative easing is one factor causing them to expand.

Mr Ralfe said: “It is easy to focus on asset growth, but we need to look at what has happened to pension liabilities. Higher UK share prices have been largely driven by falls in bond yields, which have also increased pension liabilities. UK pension plans have been running to stand still. UK plc continues to run a huge asset and liability mismatch through holding equities to meet bond-like pensions.”

Growing pension liabilities have already caused nine out of 10 final-salary schemes to close the doors to new employee members. Many employers are now closing schemes to existing members as well.

Steve Webb, Liberal Democrat work and pensions spokesman , said the plight of workplace pensions will put intolerable pressure on the state in future to support people who had expected to rely on them in old age. “With public sector pensions likely to be reined back along with their private sector counterparts, more and more workers will find themselves facing means-testing in old age,” he said.

“If the Government really wants to give people dignity and security in old age, it should guarantee a more generous basic state pension.”
Charlie Sheen
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with our 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, while he was out promoting his health care reform initiative. I requested 30 minutes given the scope and detail of my inquiry; they said I could have 20. Twenty minutes, 1200 seconds, not a lot of time to question the President about one of the most important events in our nation’s history. The following is a transcript of our remarkable discussion.

Charlie Sheen – Good afternoon Mr. President, thank you so much for taking time out of your demanding schedule.

President Barack Obama – My pleasure, the content of your request seemed like something I should carve out a few minutes for.

CS – I should point out that I voted for you, as your promises of hope and change, transparency and accountability, as well as putting government back into the hands of the American people, struck an emotional chord in me that I hadn’t felt in quite some time, perhaps ever.

PBO – And I appreciate that Charlie. Big fan of the show, by the way.

CS – Sir, I can’t imagine when you might find the time to actually watch my show given the measure of what you inherited.

PBO – I have it Tivo’d on Air Force One. Nice break from the traveling press corps. (He glances at his watch) not to be abrupt or to rush you, but you have 19 minutes left.

CS – I’ll take that as an invitation to cut to the chase.

PBO – I’m all ears. Or so I’ve been told.

CS – Sir, in the very near future we will be experiencing our first 9/11 anniversary with you as Commander in Chief.

PBO – Yes. A very solemn day for our Nation. A day of reflection and yet a day of historical consciousness as well.

CS – Very much so sir, very much so indeed…. Now; In researching your position regarding the events of 9/11 and the subsequent investigation that followed, am I correct to understand that you fully support and endorse the findings of the commission report otherwise known as the ‘official story’?

PBO – Do I have any reason not to? Given that most of us are presumably in touch with similar evidence.

CS – I really wish that were the case, sir. Are you aware, Mr. President, of the recent stunning revelations that sixty percent of the 9/11 commissioners have publicly stated that the government agreed not to tell the truth about 9/11 and that the Pentagon was engaged in deliberate deception about their response to the attack?

PBO – I am aware of certain “in fighting” during the course of their very thorough and tireless investigative process.

CS – Mr. President, it’s hard to label this type of friction as “in fighting” or make the irresponsible leap to “thorough,” when the evidence I insist you examine regarding 6 of the 10 members are statements of fact.

(At this point one of Obama’s senior aides approaches the President and whispers into his ear. Obama glances quickly at his watch and nods as the aide resumes his post at the doorway, directly behind me.)

PBO – No disrespect Mr. Sheen, but I have to ask; what is it that you seem to be implying with the initial direction of this discussion?

CS – I am not implying anything Mr. President. I am here to present the facts and see what you plan to do with them.

PBO – Let me guess; your ‘facts,’ allegedly supporting these claims are in the folders you brought with you?

CS – Good guess Mr. President.

(I hand the first folder of documents to the President)

CS – Again sir, these are not my opinions or assumptions, this is all a matter of public record, reported through mainstream media, painstakingly fact checked and verified.

(the President glances into the folder I handed him)

CS – You’ll notice sir on page one of the dossier dated August of ‘06 from the Washington Post, the statements of John Farmer, senior council to the 9/11 commission, his quote stating, “I was shocked how different the truth was from the way it was described.”

PBO – (as he glances down at the report, almost inaudible) …. um hmm….

CS – He goes on to further state “The [NORAD Air Defense] tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years….”

(the President continues to view the documents)

CS – On pages two and three, sir, are the statements, as well, from commission co-chairmen Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, commissioners Bob Kerrey, Timothy Roemer and John Lehman, as well as the statements of commissioner Max Cleland, an ex-Senator from Georgia , who resigned, stating:

“It is a national scandal. This investigation is now compromised. One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9/11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up.”

He also described President Bush’s desire to delay the process as not to damage the ‘04 re-election bid. They suspected deception to the point where they considered referring the matter to the Justice Department for criminal investigation. Mr. President, this information alone is unequivocally grounds for a new investigation!

PBO – Mistakes were clearly made but we as a people and as a country need to move forward. It is obviously in our best interest as a democratic society to focus our efforts and our resources on the future of this great nation and our ability to protect the American people and our allies from this type of terrorism in the coming years.

CS – Sir, how can we focus on the future when THE COMMISSION ITSELF is on record stating that they still do not know the truth??

PBO – Even if what you state, might in some capacity, begin to approach an open discussion or balanced debate, I can’t speak for, or about the decisions certain commission members made during an extremely difficult period. Perhaps you should be interviewing them instead of me. Wait, don’t tell me; I was easier to track down than they were?

CS – Not exactly sir, but let’s be honest. You’re the President of the United States, the leader of the free world, the buck stops with you. 9/11 has been the pretext for the systematic dismantling of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Your administration is reading from the same playbook that the Bush administration foisted on America through documented secrecy and deception.

PBO – Mr. Sheen, I’m having a difficult time sitting here and listening to you draw distorted parallels between the Bush/Cheney regime and mine.

CS – Mr. President the parallels are not distorted just because you say they are. Let’s stick to the facts. You promised to abolish the Patriot Act and then voted to re-authorize it. You pledged to end warrantless wire tapping against the American people and now energetically defend it. You decried the practice of rendition and now continue it. You promised over and over again on the campaign trail, that you would end the practice of indefinite detention and instead, you have expanded it to permanent detention of “detainees” without trial. This far exceeds the outrages of the former administration. Call me crazy Mr. President, but is this not your record?

PBO – Mr. Sheen, my staff and I authorized this interview based on your request to discuss 9/11 and deliver some additional information you’re convinced I’d not previously reviewed. Call me crazy, But it appears as though you’ve blindly wandered off topic.

CS – Sir, the examples I just illustrated are a direct result of 9/11.

PBO – And I’m telling you that we must move forward, we must endure through these dangerous and politically challenging years ahead.

CS – Mr. President, we cannot move forward with a bottomless warren of unanswered questions surrounding that day and its aftermath.

PBO – I read the official report. Every word every page. Perhaps you should do the same.

CS – I have sir, and so have thousands of family members of the victims, and guess what; they have the same questions I do and probably a lot more. I didn’t lose a loved one on that horrific day Mr. President and neither did you. But since then I, along with millions of other Americans lost something we held true and dear for most of our lives in this great country of ours; we lost our hope.

PBO – And I’d like to believe that I am here to restore that hope. To restore confidence in your leaders, in the system that the voting public chose through a peaceful transfer of power.

(An odd moment of silence between us. Precious time ticking away).

CS – Mr. President, are you aware of the number of days it took to begin the investigation into JFK’s assassination?

PBO – If memory serves I believe it was two weeks.

CS – Close. Seventeen days to be exact. Are you aware sir, how long it took to begin the investigation into Pearl Harbor?

PBO – I would say again about….two weeks.

CS – Close again sir, eleven days to be exact. Are you aware Mr. President how long it took to begin the investigation into 9/11?

PBO – I know it must have seemed like a very long time for all the grieving families.

CS – It was a very long time Mr. President – four hundred and forty days. Roughly 14 months. Does it bother you Mr. President that it only took FIVE HOURS for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld after the initial attack to recommend and endorse a full scale offensive against Iraq?

PBO – I am not aware of any such purported claim.

CS – I have the proof Mr. President, along with scores of documents and facts I’d like you to take a look at. Here.

(I hand him another file – much thicker than the first)

PBO – I see you came prepared Charlie.

CS – No other way to show up Mr. President. When in doubt over prepare I always say.

PBO – Now you sound like the First Lady.

CS – That’s quite a compliment sir.

PBO – As you wish. Please continue.

CS – Sir, I’d like to direct your attention to the stack of documents in the folder I just handed you. The first in from the top is entitled “ Operation Northwoods“, a declassified Pentagon plan to stage terror attacks on US soil, to be blamed on Cuba as a pretext for war.

PBO – And I’d like to direct your attention to the fact that the principle draftsman of this improbable blueprint was quickly denied a second term as Joint Chiefs chairman and sent packing to a European NATO garrison. Thank God his otherworldly ambitions never saw the light of day.

CS – I wouldn’t be so certain about that Mr. President.

PBO – I could easily say the same to you Charlie.

(the President checks his watch)

CS – The next document reads “Declassified staged provocations.” Now, Honestly Mr. President I wish I was making this stuff up. I’m certain you are familiar with the USS Maine Incident, the sinking of the Lusitania, which we all now know brought us into WW1, and of course the most famous, the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

PBO – Of course I am familiar with these historical events and I’m aware that there’s a measure of controversy surrounding them. But to be quite frank with you, this is all ancient history.

CS – Mr. President, it has been often said; “Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.” And I concede to you sir, these events are the past.

PBO – A vastly different world young man, shouldering a radically disparate state of universal affairs.

CS – No argument sir, I’m merely inviting you to acknowledge some credibility to the pattern or the theme. Case in point; the next document in your folder. It was published by the think-tank, Project For a New American Century and it’s entitled “ Rebuilding Americas Defenses“, and was written by Dick Cheney and Jeb Bush. To quote from the document sir – (the President interrupts)

PBO – “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”

CS – Touche, sir. Your thoughts on this statement Mr. President?

PBO – I would call this a blatant case of misjudgment fueled by an unfortunate milieu of assumption. For some, the uninformed denial of coincidence.

CS – Interesting angle sir. Nevertheless, Vice President Cheney didn’t stop there. In early 2008, Pulitzer prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh and MSNBC, both reported that Cheney had proposed to the Pentagon an outrageous plan to have the U.S. Navy create fake Iranian patrol boats, to be manned by Navy Seals, who would then stage an attack on US destroyers in the Strait of Hormuz. This event was to be blamed on Iran and used as a pretext for war. Does any of this information worry you Mr. President? Should we just ignore it, until these realities can be dismissed years from now by our children, as ancient history as well?

PBO – Of course this information worries me, yet it’s not nearly as worrisome as you sitting here today suspiciously implying that 9/11 was somehow allowed to happen or even orchestrated from the inside.

CS – Mr. President I am not suspiciously implying anything. I am merely exposing the documents and asking the questions that nobody in power will even look at or acknowledge. And as I stated earlier, I voted for you, I believed in your message of hope and change. Mr. President I have come to you specifically hoping for a change. A change in the perception that our government has not yet made itself open and accountable to the people. These are your words Mr. President not mine. The lives of thousands were brutally cut short and those left behind to suffer their infinite pain are with me today Mr. President. They are with me in spirit and flesh, and the message we carry will not be silenced anymore by media fueled mantras insisting how they are supposed to feel. Deciding for them, for 8 long years, what can be thought, what can be said, what can be asked.

PBO – And I appreciate your passion, I appreciate your conviction. In spite of your concerns, in spite of what your data might or might not reveal, what you and the families must understand and accept is that we are doing everything we can to protect you.

CS – Mr. President , I realize were very short on time, so please allow me to run down a list of bullet points that might illuminate some reasons why we don’t embrace the warm hug of Federal protection.

PBO – We’ve come this far. Fire away.

CS – Please keep in mind Mr. President everything I’m about to say is documented as fact and part of the public record. The information you are holding in your hands chronicles and verifies each and every point.

PBO – You have five minutes left. The floor is yours. Brief me.

CS – Thank you Mr. President. Okay, first; On the FBI’s most wanted list Osama Bin Laden is not charged with the crimes of 911. When I called the FBI to ask them why this was the case, they replied: “There’s not enough evidence to link Bin Laden to the crime scene,” I later discovered he had never even been indicted by the D.O.J.

CS – Number 2; FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, was dismissed and gagged by the D.O.J. after she revealed that the government had foreknowledge of plans to attack American cities using planes as bombs as early as April 2001. In July of ‘09, Mrs. Edmonds broke the Federal gag order and went public to reveal that Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda and the Taliban were all working for and with the C.I.A. up until the day of 9/11.

CS – Number 3; The following is a quote from Mayor Giuliani during an interview on 9/11 with Peter Jennings for ABC News. “I went down to the scene and we set up headquarters at 75 Barkley Street, which was right there with the Police Commissioner, the Fire Commissioner, the Head of Emergency Management, and we were operating out of there when we were told that the World Trade Center was going to collapse. And it did collapse before we could actually get out of the building, so we were trapped in the building for 10, 15 minutes, and finally found an exit and got out, walked north, and took a lot of people with us.”

WHO TOLD HIM THIS??? To this day, the answer to this question remains unanswered, completely ignored and emphatically DENIED by Mayor Giuliani on several public occasions.

CS – Number 4; In April 2004, USA Today reported, “In the two years before the Sept. 11 attacks, the North American Aerospace Defense Command conducted exercises simulating what the White House says was unimaginable at the time: hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets and cause mass casualties.” One of the targets was the World Trade Center.

CS – Number 5; On September 12th 2007, CNN’s ‘Anderson Cooper 360′, reported that the mysterious “white plane” spotted and videotaped by multiple media outlets, flying in restricted airspace over the White House shortly before 10am on the morning of 9/11, was in fact the Air Force’s E-4B, a specially modified Boeing 747 with a communications pod behind the cockpit; otherwise known as “The Doomsday Plane”.

Though fully aware of the event, the 9/11 Commission did not deem the appearance of the military plane to be of any interest and did not include it in the final 9/11 Commission report.

CS – Number 6; Three F-16s assigned to Andrews Air Force Base, ten miles from Washington, DC, are conducting training exercises in North Carolina 207 miles away as the first plane crashes into the WTC. Even at significantly less than their top speed of 1500 mph, they could still have defended the skies over Washington well before 9am, more than 37 minutes before Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, however, they did not return until after 9:55am.

Andrews AFB had no armed fighters on alert and ready to take off on the morning of 9/11.

CS – Number 7; WTC Building 7. Watch the video of its collapse.

CS – Number 8; Flight 93 is fourth plane to crash on 9/11 at 10:03am. V.P. Cheney only gives shoot down order at 10:10-10:20am and this is not communicated to NORAD until 28 minutes after Flight 93 has crashed.

Fueling further suspicion on this front is the fact that three months before the attacks of 9/11, Dick Cheney usurped control of NORAD, and therefore he, and no one else on planet Earth, had the power to call for military sorties on the hijacked airliners on 9/11. He did not exercise that power. Three months after 9/11, he relinquished command of NORAD and returned it to military operation.

CS – Number 9; Scores of main stream news outlets reported that the F.B.I. conducted an investigation of at least FIVE of the 9/11 hijackers being trained at U.S. military flight schools. Those investigations are now sealed and need to be declassified.

CS – Number 10; In 2004, New York firefighters Mike Bellone and Nicholas DeMasi went public to say they had found the black boxes at the World Trade Center, but were told to keep their mouths shut by FBI agents. Nicholas DeMasi said that he escorted federal agents on an all-terrain vehicle in October 2001 and helped them locate the devices, a story backed up by rescue volunteer Mike Bellone.

As the Philadelphia Daily News reported at the time, “Their story raises the question of whether there was a some type of cover-up at Ground Zero.”

CS – Number 11 – Hundreds of eye witnesses including first responders, fire captains, news reporters, and police, all described multiple explosions in both towers before and during the collapse.

CS – Number 12; An astounding video uncovered from the archives shows BBC News correspondent Jane Standley reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11. Tapes from earlier BBC broadcasts show news anchors discussing the collapse of WTC 7 a full 26 minutes in advance. The BBC at first claimed that their tapes from 9/11 had been “lost” before admitting that they made the “error” of reporting the collapse of WTC 7 before it happened without adequately explaining how they could have obtained advance knowledge of the event.

In addition, over an hour before the collapse of WTC 7, at 4:10pm, CNN’s Aaron Brown reported that the building “has either collapsed, or is collapsing.”

CS – Number 13; Solicitor General Ted Olson’s claim that his wife Barbara Olsen called him twice from Flight 77, describing hijackers with box cutters, was a central plank of the official 9/11 story.

However, the credibility of the story was completely undermined after Olsen kept changing his story about whether his wife used her cell phone or the airplane phone. The technology to enable cell phone calls from high-altitude airline flights was not created until 2004. American Airlines confirmed that Flight 77 was a Boeing 757 and that this plane did not have airplane phones on board.

According to the FBI, Barbara Olsen attempted to call her husband only once and the call failed to connect, therefore Olsen must have been lying when he claimed he had spoken to his wife from Flight 77.

CS – Number 14; The size of a Boeing 757 is approximately 125ft in width and yet images of the impact zone at the Pentagon supposedly caused by the crash merely show a hole no more than 16ft in diameter. The engines of the 757 would have punctured a hole bigger than this, never mind the whole plane. Images before the partial collapse of the impact zone show little real impact damage and a sparse debris field completely inconsistent with the crash of a large jetliner, especially when contrasted with other images showing airplane crashes into buildings.

CS – Number 15; What is the meaning behind the following quote attributed to Dick Cheney which came to light during the 9/11 Commission hearings? The passage is taken from testimony given by then Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta.

During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President, “The plane is 50 miles out.” “The plane is 30 miles out.” And when it got down to “the plane is 10 miles out,” the young man also said to the Vice President, “Do the orders still stand?” And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said, “Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?”

As the plane was not shot down, in addition to the fact that armed fighter jets were nowhere near the plane and the Pentagon defensive system was not activated, are we to take it that the orders were to let the plane find its target?

CS – Number 16; In May 2003, the Miami Herald reported how the Bush administration was refusing to release a 900-page congressional report on 9/11 because it wanted to “avoid enshrining embarrassing details in the report,” particularly regarding pre-9/11 warnings as well as the fact that the hijackers were trained at U.S. flight schools.

CS – Number 17; Top Pentagon officials cancelled their scheduled flights for September 11th on September 10th. San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, following a security warning, cancelled a flight into New York that was scheduled for the morning of 9/11.

CS – Number 18; The technology to enable cell phone calls from high-altitude airline flights was not created until 2004, and even by that point it was only in the trial phase. Calls from cell phones which formed an integral part of the official government version of events were technologically impossible at the time.

CS – Number 19: On April 29, 2004, President Bush and V.P. Cheney would only meet with the commission under specific clandestine conditions. They insisted on testifying together and not under oath. They also demanded that their testimony be treated as a matter of “state secret.” To date, nothing they spoke of that day exists in the public domain.

CS – And finally Mr. President – Number 20; A few days after the attack, several newspapers as well as the FBI reported that a paper passport had been found in the ruins of the WTC. In August 2004, CNN reported that 9/11 hijacker Ziad Jarrah’s visa was found in the remains of Flight 93 which went down in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

At least a third of the WTC victim’s bodies were vaporized and many of the victims of the Pentagon incident were burned beyond recognition. And yet visas and paper passports which identify the perpetrators and back up the official version of events miraculously survive explosions and fires that we are told melted steel buildings.

(The Senior aide appears again beside the President whispering in his ear. He then quickly moves off).

PBO – Well Charlie I can’t say this hasn’t been interesting. As I said earlier you’ve showed up today focused and organized. Regardless how I feel about the material you’ve presented, I must commend your dedication and zeal. However, our time here is up.

(the President rises from his chair , I do the same).

CS – Mr. President! One more second!

(The President starts towards the door – I follow him quickly step for step).

CS – Mr. President, I implore you based on the evidence you now possess, to use your Executive Power. Prove to us all Sir, that you do, in fact, care. Create a truly comprehensive and open Congressional investigation of 9/11 and its aftermath. The families deserve the truth, the American people and the rest of the free world deserve the truth. Mr. President -

(He pauses. We shake hands).

CS – Make sure you’re on the right side of history.

(The President breaks the handshake).

PBO – I am on the right side of history. Thank you Charlie, my staff and I will be in touch.

(I watch as he strides gracefully out of the room, the truth I provided him held firmly by his side; in the hand of providence.)


A comprehensive bibliography containing all of the evidence presented above can be viewed at http://www.prisonplanet.com/20_minutes_bibliography.html

Get this interview in PDF format here.

Author’s Note: What you have just read didn’t actually happen… yet.

This is an open letter to the President requesting a new investigation.

Charlie Sheen.

Charlie Sheen is going to be on Alex Jones’ syndicated radio show live twice this week. This letter to the President is only the opening salvo in a chain of key events. Read more details here and tune in at 11am CST when Alex will lay out this exciting new development. Sheen first appeared on The Alex Jones Show in March 2006 to air his doubts about the official 9/11 story, an interview that garnered national attention and put the issue of 9/11 truth at the forefront of public debate.
Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 3:55 PM on 08th September 2009

The UK recorded its first quarterly growth since May last year in the three months to August, a respected economic forecaster said today.

The National Institute of Economic and Social Research's latest estimate showed a 0.2 per cent rise in output after a 0.3 per cent decline in the three months to July.
NIESR said the figures reinforced its view that the recession ended in May - although the body predicted earlier this year that the downturn would end in March.
However, the forecaster warned a return to growth should not be confused with a full economic recovery.

It added: 'There may well be a period of stagnation now, with output rising in some months and falling in others; the end of the recession should not be confused with a return to normal economic conditions.'
Experts predict the Office for National Statistics' estimates for output between June and September will show a return to growth after a 0.7 per cent drop in the second quarter.
More...Public spending will have to be cut but not yet, admits Darling

The new forecast came as manufacturing figures today showed a 0.9 per cent rise in output between June and July, boosted by recovering production in the car industry.
It was the sector's best performance in more than three years and outstripped experts' expectations who had only predicted a 0.3 per cent increase.
The wider measure of industrial output, which includes energy production, rose by 0.5 per cent on the month.

Sterling climbed more than 1 per cent against the dollar on the back of the encouraging data and on the dollar's broad fall.

Analysts said the figures suggested Britain's economy may be on track to emerge from recession.

'Today's data reinforce our view that the UK economy is on course for positive growth in Q3,' said Colin Ellis, economist at Daiwa Securities.
Even if production is unchanged in August and September, manufacturing output would be on course to grow some 1.0 percent in the third quarter, he added.
The data bolstered the pound, which was already rising on a sharp drop in the dollar against a number of currencies.

The dollar index, which tracks the performance of the greenback versus a basket of six other major currencies, hit its lowest level since September 2008.
Shortly after 2pm, sterling was up 1 per cent at $1.652 after rising to $1.659 - its highest level since August 21.
However, sterling made little headway against the euro.

The money markets are still wary of further monetary easing, which could be decided at the Bank of England's policy meeting later this week.
The UK's central bank surprised traders last month by expanding its asset buying programme by a larger margin than expected.
Minutes showed governor Mervyn King and two other members of the panel had voted for an even larger increase.

Markets shrugged off a survey showing British retail sales fell on the year last month for the first time since May.

The British Retail Consortium said the value of like-for-like sales fell 0.1 percent in August compared to the same month last year after a 1.8 percent annual gain in July.

Alistair Darling said today that the Government would have to cut spending when the economy had fully recovered but did not spell out where the axe would fall.
He insisted it would be wrong to curtail spending and investment now because it would risk 'choking off' the recovery before it has even properly begun.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1211999/Recession-ended-May-says-forecaster-UK-economy-records-quarterly-growth-year.html#ixzz0QWqHfZPv

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